Saturday, November 14, 2009


There's a lot of things you can do for a healthier you! Here's some tips:

FIND A HABIT YOU CAN STICK WITH-We all know that exercise and healthy eating are the first things to go when we get busy, that's why developing good habits early is key. Everyone will find their perfect time and perfect workout that suits their lifestyle. For me, it's running. It's my escape time away from everyone, phones, Internet and just alone time for me. Ideally I squeeze in a few miles every morning and it gives me more energy through the day. Some days when I manage to get a day off I can head to the park and run trails and enjoy nature. Yoga is also at the top of my list. Especially a short PM yoga routine, allows me to sleep better and wake up feeling really centered and well rested.

KNOW THAT HEALTH CARE REFORM STARTS WITH YOU-Seventy-five percent of the $2.4 trillion spent in the U.S. every year on health care is for chronic diseases, most of them related to obesity and/or tobacco. These are conditions that can be changed. It isn't easy but every has an opportunity to eat more fruits and vegetables. If you can't run...walk. Making some of those choices is just really important.

USE SUNSCREEN DAILY-We know so much more now than we did when I was growing up, when I covered myself with baby oil and had a little foil reflector. I am just now starting to learn the importance of sunscreen and I will admit I am still guilty of not using it at times. I really have a hard time bringing myself to lather sunscreen on before I go for a run or a quick walk around the block with my dogs but I am getting steps. Melanoma kills.

NEVER FORGET THAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN BODY-A lot of people never see their health records, and they have a 10 minute conversation with a doctor once a year who says, lose 5 pounds, exercise more, blah blah. You should ask your doctor what's in your file, everything from the results of your last blood test to diseases you may be at risk for because of family history. The more you know about what's actually occurring in your own body, the better off you are.

FIND YOUR OWN BALANCE-Balance is a challenge. You do better work if you have some balance in your life. It can't be all work and it can't be all play. Just like it can't be all sleep or no sleep. Find your balance. It's rewarding and make time for yourself...go ahead and pencil you in.

TAKE CARE OF YOUR BONES-The older you get the more prone you are to osteoporosis. You never know until it's too late if you're lacking in Vitamin D and calcium and make sure to do some weight bearing exercise.

DON'T BE COMPLACENT ABOUT YOUR SEXUAL HEALTH-You have only one body. Many STD's last a lifetime and can seriously threaten your health. you have a right and a personal obligation to be assertive about protecting yourself. It's OK to take your time to become sexually active, and if you are having sex it's OK to insist on taking precautions.

EVERY YEAR DO AT LEAST THREE THINGS FOR YOUR HEALTH-A regular physical exam, a gynecologic exam and a breast exam. No one likes any of them...just do it. It's three appointments out of a whole year, two if you combine the latter two.

EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST-You should always eat a good breakfast. It has been scientifically shown that breakfast make a difference, and if you have a good grounding with breakfast, it improves your performance the whole day and actually reduces your over all calorie intake.

TAKE CARE OF YOUR MENTAL HEALTH-Depression is not unusual and it's not something to be ashamed of. If you're feeling hopeless or helpless or anxious it's important to talk about that. And, know that your physical health make a difference in how you feel emotionally. diet and exercise are important to mental health. Take care of your whole body and you will notice the impact on your mood.

BACK AWAY FROM THE VENDING MACHINE-Try to pack your lunch or at least hit the grocery store and keep some healthy snacks in your bag if you don't have a fridge, even some granola or crackers are better to snack on than whatever is in your machine.

REMEMBER THAT STRESS DOESN'T LAST FOREVER-There are seasons to a person's life. There are the stressful times and the easy times. The stressful times even if it's a short period, they feel like they last forever but always tell yourself you got through the last pile of stress and you will make it through this one. I have been telling myself this one about a dozen times a day lately and I'll be happy when I get through issues at hand and I can look back and sigh and smile.

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